“Thank you for teaching me that life is about having fun and doing what you love…” 

– 2019 Graduate & Valedictorian – Fionna Stanard, CAI graduate 


“Lean INTO the thing you’re avoiding, go at it headfirst. If you stop avoiding and resisting, you might find that those things you’re running from are actually not that bad.” 

– Diego Lago, CAI graduate 


“I learned a valuable lesson:  to always know what you’re shooting for and to never give up until you get it, not letting anyone or anything, even yourself, stop you. This is a lesson I will to take with me for the rest of my life. “

– Shir Ezra, CAI graduate 


“I am so happy and so proud to be here tonight to share my story with you.
You see, Clearwater Academy helped give me my future back.”

 – Janeiro Crankfield, CAI graduate 


“What I’ve learned at Clearwater Academy goes far beyond the academic. I know what it is to have high standards and how to get a product. I’ve been taught that we don’t go on stage to show off, that the most important thing is what the audience experiences, that the communication is everything.”

 – Idan Bar, CAI graduate